Year of the Earth Dog, auspicious for starting projects and goals that are deeply grounded and long lasting. Listening to our thoughts during the Manifesting Ritual and Birthing Canal, I have true hope for the world. I am blessed to be in the company of such powerful and compassionate women.
We raised some astounding energy last night, feeling charged up and ready to push the patriarchy back until we have balance and equality for all women and girls. This is how change happens, within us. Women — and as shouted many times last night — make it so!
Martha Heimberg photos
Amy gathers the gals for the sacred segment of the night.
The smudge and smoke prayers ritual in the carport. I loved watching the neighbors front lights switch on (and then off) after we ramped up our chanting. The woman on front left is wearing a dragon mask. The glowing things are red electric candelabras.Smudge and smoke prayers ritual.We danced our passions!We all adored the dragon mask!Amy and Martha
Amy Martin photos
We were blessed with great grub. So many beet dishes! But really, a little bit of everything, from savory to sweet. Unseen is a lot of red wine and spiked fruit and hibiscus punch.
Women were freakin’ everywhere in the house! Every room except for where Scooter hid with the cats and Mable. Note the wide range of ages and all the smiles. Younger women left with mentors, older ones left optimistic And red, so much red! Notice all the draped red fabric and accoutrements.
I instructed the ladies to grab and drum or shaker for the ritual and it was like turning kids loose in a candy shop.
Down the Vagina Hall we go! Note the red feather pubes!
Let the smudge and smoke prayers portion of the evening begin! The white jar is filled with white sage, yerba santa, hyssop, rosemary, and cedar recipe from my Holy Smokes book.Martha dives in…… and gets down on her wild self.Kira’s first smudge — she’s a power goddess now!Kira spins her liberation!Coco invokes!Poetry goddess channels the word.The aftermath. Note the wine bottles and red serving ware. The cups were paper and you could write your name on it. If women ran the world, everything would work.
Kristi Kerr Leonard photos
Our mother-daughter duo — Kristi and Kira.So much blondeness!
Collette Numajiri photos
We sure loved the dragon!A multilayered kitchen party scene.Mati and Coco — happy to meet!Coco and Mara, East Dallas wonder women.Party aftermath
Amy Martin is the author of Wild Dallas-Fort Worth: Explore the Amazing Nature of North Texas (, to be released by Timber Press in 2022. She is the North Texas Wild columnist at GreenSourceDFW ( and author of Itchy Business: How to Treat the Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Rash ( She was the senior comedy, magic and cirque critic for TheaterJones, The Aging Hippie columnist for Senior Voice, and the Taoist panel member of the Texas Faith blog of The Dallas Morning News. A journalist for over 40 years, she wrote for Dallas Observer, Dallas Times Herald, Dallas Morning News, Senior Voice, and D magazine, and was contributing editor and columnist for Garbage magazine. She was known by many in North Texas as the Moonlady for her alternative newservice of 15 years, Moonlady News, and served as creator/producer/promoter of the acclaimed Winter and Summer SolstiCelebrations for 20 years.