part 1 March for Science Dallas signs: From City Hall plaza to Fair Park

by Amy Martin
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The masses gathered at City Hall plaza, about 3000 strong. People checked out each other’s signs and found connections, chatted up the reasons they felt drawn to the march. A bunch of us old ’60s fogies remarked that we couldn’t believe we still had to protest the same governmental science denial in defense of a liveable planet. There were families with science nerd kids, grizzled old outdoor biologists and a former NPS ranger, tech geeks. Lots of college students in the sciences. A fair amount of Indivisible activists, writers, artists, musicians, and even liberal arts majors. Bottom line: Everyone there understood cause and effect in an ecologically interconnected world.
DART trains were full of science activists.
A small portion of the City Hall masses. It completely surrounded the reflecting pool.
Lyrics from Big Bang Theory theme song.
The human impact.
Young woman embracing her STEM future, her brother the future scientist and their fabulous mom.
“Unless” is shorthand for ” “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” from Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax. The whole march in one snapshot: environment and science in commitment to the future of humankind. 
Note the pink pussy cap!
Stoics would be proud of this guy, who happens to be a poet and literature teacher.
And his friend (my hubbie!), a graphic artist, who knows it all comes down to being…
Lest we forget…
There’s no going back.
Completely fabulous. 
Teamwork — millenials represent! Note the sign in back, too.
Women scientists and supporters generally kicked butt at the march. Women make up the great majority of Resistance activists. What’s up with that, guys?
Hard core professor.
Brain hats were popular.
Boots on the ground activist world changers.
It’s just greatness!
Because math!
WTF – The Element of Outraged Disbelief
From The Lorax by Dr Seuss.
No mincing of words about politics on many signs. Go vote!
A round of great signs from City Hall plaza.
More future-forward families.
This is the future of science right here: a teacher of physics and biology to high school students via online courses and his completely fabulous wife who is foster mom-ing future thinkers.
Science is our foundation.
Then we headed off the plaza steps and onto Young Street.
Through the entire length of downtown we go.
Once again, women represent.
A selection of signs from the march.
First they came for the scientists… and the National Parks Services said “lol, no” and went rogue. And we were all like, “I was not expecting the park rangers to lead the resistance. None of the dystopian novels I read prepared me for this.” 
Passing under the Julius Schepps Overpass and out of downtown.
We knew we’d reached Deep Ellum when we were greeted by a dinosaur. But the throngs of Deep Ellumites generally ignored the march. Their loss. Our hipness was wicked smaht.
Rounding the curve and heading toward Fair Park.
At the massive Earth Day Texas event at Fair Park, the march sort of fizzled out. No final statements, no integration into the event, and a missed photo op that would have been a front pager.
PART TWO: Photos of Science Signs at Earth Day Texas