Moonlady Moves On: Amy’s goodbye letter

Moonlady Moves On
Last Day for Moonlady Digest is December 20, 2013
Contribute to the “help Moonlady retire with a smaller mountain of debt” fund
You know our philosophical soundbites. “Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.” Well, I certainly have explored that one for the past 15 months! Running the Moonlady News digest and requires deep, nerdy computer technology that is soooo not my comfort zone.
“You can do anything you put your mind to” is another one. And I believed that, that I could master ad management and bookkeeping that comes with such a site, and the promotions as well, even though my skills were that of a lifelong journalist.
Truth be known, I’d Peter Principled myself into a role that, let’s just say, was not my bliss.
After a much thought, much counseling, and many meditations on my part, Moonlady News will cease operations on Fri. Dec. 20, on the first of the three-day Winter Solstice window.
Moonlady Retires!
With the completion of Moonlady News as we know it, Moonlady retires as well. I’ve been an activist since I was 12. Over 45 years, 20 of it with the Moonlady community, working every day for a better world.
My passion, my core identity, is being a writer and I must devote myself to that. I’m not getting younger and there are a few major creative projects baying at the gate to be completed. That’s kind of scary, having no more excuses, but exciting.
I am grateful for you all. Someday I’ll tell the full story, of how knowing you were out there, and being of service to you, kept me going through the worst time of my life.
Empowering You, Continuing the Network
Moonlady News did show, much as Winter SolstiCelebration did, that there is a large consciousness community in North Texas that holds values like oneness, acceptance and peace. Long may it flourish!
Over the remaining days of Moonlady News, I’ll share with you my sources for the info and events you see in Moonlady News. And we’ll look back at the ways it has changed lives and even the culture of North Texas.
Thanks to Moonlady
My attempt at creating a community home at pretty much sucked up every cent I’ve got and then some. Please consider contributing to the “help Moonlady retire with a smaller mountain of debt” fund.
To pay by credit card, donate here. Those who give $50 or more receive a gift. If you send checks or cash (9540 Garland Rd, suite 381-137, Dallas, Texas 75218), or donate by PayPal (use:, the same gifts apply.
If you feel moved to speak your gratitude for my community activism over these past decades, I’d be honored to receive it. You can drop me a note by replying to this email. Or send a card (I love cards!) to: 9540 Garland Rd, suite 381-137, Dallas, Texas 75218.
But most of all, I hope to have your energy, blessings and prayers for the phenomenal morph in identity that is underway.
With all my love, Amy/Moonlady
How to Keep Up with Amy Martin ala Moonlady