Map of Field Trips

  1. West and Clear Forks of the Trinity
  2. Where the West Begins
  3. Great Trinity Forest
  4. Southwest Dallas Escarpment
  5. Elm Fork of the Trinity
  6. Big Creeks of Eastern Dallas County
  7. East Fork of the Trinity River
  8. Big Creeks of Southern Collin County
  9. Wild Lands of the North
  10. Far Flung Adventures

  1. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
  2. Palo Pinto Mountains State Park
  3. Waco Mammoth National Monument

Photos: North Texas Master Naturalists



people & rainbow on prairie
Parkhill Prairie wildflower
question mark butterfly


eagles at Bunker Sands Wetlands


blacklighting scorpions


skipper butterfly on verbena


sunset at a Collin County prairie


tiny trekker in the prairie


Trinity River
trout lilies


Photos: Blackland Prairie (Colin Co.) Master Naturalists

 gulf fritillary
downy woodpecker

Photos: Chris Emory, Sundog Photography

Palo Pinto Mountains State Park


longhorn cattle


Fort Worth Prairie sky

Photos: Chris Jackson, DFW Urban Wildlife

black swallowtail caterpillar


urban bobcat


young quail in re-introduction pen


cyrno darner dragonfly


sparring bucks (needs lightening) 


speckled kingsnake


Photos: Don Young, Tandy Hills

Penstemon cobaea


Sam Kieschnick teaching


spring wildflowers


nipple.cactus blooms


ashe juniper pollen


Professional Photographers

Sean Fitzgerald

Wide-ranging subject matter of extremely high quality. Past president of the North American Nature Photography Association.


Scot Miller

Focuses on the Trinity River near his downtown loft.


Justin Terveen

Known for dramatic sky photos of weather and photos of nature activities like camping and boating.